I was a hopeless romantic. Literally and figuratively.
I fell in love when I was three years old to a guy named Devon. He had this nice hair and chinky eyes and a very dazzling smile. I was enthralled to the idea that when we grow up, he will be my Prince Charming. 'Enter Taylor Swift's Love Story here' He was the object of my affection because he was the first boy I ever kissed. But when we were five, I got grossed out to the idea that he still bottle-feeds to orange juice. So my love for him died. Yes, that was me being hopeless.
The second time I (think) I fell in love was during my fourth grade. I know, I always start young, but he was my bestfriend. And sometimes, if not most, they tend to see love in the eyes of one another. We would always be the first ones to be picked up by our school bus and last to be dropped home. Let's just say that because we both lived at the end of the usual route, and alone sitting on an almost empty vehicle at say, 7P.M, we would always get to talk about our co-"kaservice" and make fun of everyone when they are all dropped to their respective homes. His name is Reyland, a sixth grade, and does a mean Mariah Carey imitation of One Sweet Day. And yes, he was straight. He's just THAT good in singing.
Guess I was just so happy that the first guy I've been with showered me with handwritten poems which he dedicated to me and sings me love songs every chance he gets. He doesnt care about other people would say, so he pours out everything he feels without any hesitation. Not bad for sixth grader right? We even got married during our school fair. I did every impression of being shy when they dragged me to the marriage booth, but deep inside, I was head over heels to the idea that I would get my second kiss. And yes, I considered my first kiss on a cheek with a three year old boy sacred, so the second kiss is more exciting for me.
So here I am, being absolutely in love with a perfect boy, but as the school year ends, and he has to switch schools, everything ended between the two of us.
And that, I felt so devastated. Being eleven sucks for me. Little did I know I was bound to feel more heartaches than this.
My name is Lily, and just like the flower, Ive been innocent and vulnerable. But that doesn't mean I would give up on love just like that.
Aw... Wow... Such is a girl's heart. :) :(